Sunday, April 27, 2014


China! Ah, what an interesting place. A place much different from Canada. Although we can find some of their culture here, we are not able to fully understand and experience their idea of beauty. This blog is focused on modern beauty in China straying from their traditions.

This may come as a shock to some of us but in China, to be pale is beautiful, yes I said pale! This is the exact opposite from the ideal image in North America and Europe. The answer? I'm not 100% sure but I've found an interesting reason, in countries who are less developed, those living in or near poverty usually worked outside farming and what not (making their skin more tanned) and those who are considered wealthy will normally be working inside at an office. So pale could mean wealth.
Citizens (mostly women) will go to many extremes to reach that perfect complexion. Many use types of bleaches and whitening makeup and will walk around outside with an umbrella to avoid a tan. To me this seems like a lot of work, but at the same time so is trying to keep up a tan! This may just be society speaking here but I do find a nice tan very attractive (not that there is anything wrong with being white or pale!).

before&after sugery (not from experience on the left)
Another element of beauty in China is big eyes. Often, when we think about a Chinese person, we visualize their eyes as being smaller and somewhat squinted. However many modern day Chinese women do not find their natural look appealing, and will once again go to extremes to change that. Double eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty is what it's called and is done frequently in China. I found one experience of a women who had the procedure. Overall she explained it was very painful but seemed like it was worth it ( her experience + details!). Although this surgery may seem odd, it is no different then breast augmentation and facial plastic surgery in North America. Personally I don't agree with any type of unnecessary surgery, but it's not my body, it's yours. Do to it as you wish. (P.S I don't recommend looking up pictures or videos of this surgery, made me cringe!

After reading about these new ways of beauty in China I'm not as surprised as I am bothered by these new looks (more so the double eyelid surgery) because it's the exact opposite of natural Chinese features.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Modest is Hottest


I’ve noticed that not many teenagers believe in God, let alone follow the “rules” of the Bible, so to most of you; this blog on how Christianity sees beauty is useless. Almost every religion I can think of teaches modesty and has a clear image of how the ideal follower should be, and because I know more about Christianity it is easier to share about.

Samuel 16:7 says: But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” In my opinion, if God only looked at beauty from the inside, then it shouldn’t matter how we choose dress or express ourselves (ex: tattoos & piercings). However, it does matter.
Each summer my friend goes away to a Christian camp in northern Ontario. At the beginning of the two months at camp all the girls and guys are separated into separate rooms to have the modesty talk. They(the girls) are told that tight clothing, bra straps, underwear lines, cleavage, bikinis, and the list goes on, are inappropriate and there will be punishments if any of those are seen. She has previously asked me to join her for a summer but I could never do it, so many rules!  I'm sure these rules are in the campers best interest but, is the point of a religious camp to set rules or to bring people closer to their religion?
the Duggars

The TV known Christian family, the Duggars (from 19 kids and counting) are known for their modesty dress. Michelle and Jim Bob teach their children, specifically the girls that modesty is a form of beauty. They believe that natural beauty is key and will attract a certain kind of man for their girls. Each thing they do is done to please the Lord. Helping out their fellow “brothers and sisters in Christ” by not letting them “stumble” is important. By doing this they are letting their God-given beauty shine through which to them is the highest form of praise.

As I've mentioned in previous blogs, I don't believe I can tell you what is beautiful and what isn't. Therefore, in my opinion neither can a religion. A religion is a way of life, but it should not matter how you look. Modesty is beautiful... but it is not everything.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

  I've noticed a pattern here.. the majority if not all of my blogs have been about beauty concerning women. So I guess that leads to, what makes a man beautiful? Okay, do you see my problem? The problem is, guys aren't often associated with beauty, and when we bring them together it's just awkward.

Zac Efron is beautiful :-) 
  Tall, big muscles, nice facial features, great body, nice eyes, and the list goes on! You just imagined that "perfect" man, well sorry for you but he is not perfect. With certain guys, what you see is what you get. Meaning there is nothing going on inside that head, just the outer beauty. Others, the opposite. In my opinion, men care more about their looks than girls. No, they usually don't spend hours getting ready to go out or constantly go to the bathroom to check how they look but it seems to me guys are more confident. Maybe this is why we don't hear much about social anxiety or eating disorders. Maybe they can deal with the pressure better than women.There is no need for many problems existing between man and woman. Honestly, who cares if there is a smarter or stronger sex, just appreciate what we all bring to life. I'm getting off topic here..

  It seems to be that the pressure of society is not as reinforced on men compared to women. But it's still there! Maybe the question should be altered.. What makes a man a man? Well once again, we're back to stereotypes. For example, any simple act that is "not manly" would ruin ones manly reputation. For as long as there had been both men and women, each have stood their grounds in sexuality. Therefore, it is hard to convince the world that men do have inner and outer beauty just as much as women and should appreciate and display that beauty. If you were to ask me what makes a man a beautiful person the answer would essentially be every characteristic that I would want in a partner. Same with asking a guy this question about a girl. So, once again, beauty is subjective.

  The stereotype of a man does bother me to a certain extent, beauty is not the manly-est man you've ever met but preferably a kind-hearted man.I dislike how many feel as though they need to hide from themselves and stuff away real human emotions to be considered a man. Men, embrace your beauty!


Let's take a trip to.. India!

  Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a foreign country? Or even visit a country such as India? I sure have! Learning about many cultures is very educational and interesting. India is often known for it's dedication and honor of it's culture and traditions. Many aspects about India are fascinatingly beautiful such as; the women, wardrobe, religions, scenery, and so on. There is so much to learn from!
Tradtional jewelry & makeup

  Indian women are often seen as beautiful in her country by her clothes and accessories (jewelry and makeup). Not her weight, tanned skin, or perfect curves, like in North America. To me, that's awesome, it's something different than what we are used to. Religions, culture and traditions are often the biggest influence on a typical Indian women's outfit. Accessories are a huge deal. Unique pieces of jewelry, dramatic makeup and often times henna tattoo designs complete the stereotypical Indian women's look.

Selena Gomez, wearing Bindi
  A Bindi, or otherwise known as a "paki dot" (we've all used or heard this saying without really knowing it's meaning) is a small decorative circle warn in between women's eyebrows (often red) and has many symbolism's. The stereotype is that, Indian women wear these. This is because Bindi's are a symbol in the Hindu religion and many Indian's are Hindu (although there are many other nationalities who are Hindu!). Today, we find many american's wearing their own types of "Bindi's". Although they are most likely not wearing them because of religion but for fashion, the idea had to come from somewhere (India)! I'm not sure if i agree with this or not, it is a great look but it is most likely only warn for the "look".

  I personally love their attire, it is modest and catches your eye, the many colors and unique designs are unlike anything we are used to seeing around the city. It seems to be a way of expression. To me, these women that are true to their cultures and traditions are beautiful. They're inspiring in the sense that they haven't been warped into the newer society.
